Thursday, December 22, 2011

Truth and nothing but the truth.

The BS is starting to flow too deep and the smoke and mirror manufacturers are having a record breaking year thanks to the endless number of security neophytes cashing in on the industry today. These companies and, "Experts", have mastered the art of regurgitating unverified and (more often than not) completely inaccurate security information to the masses at a mind boggling rate. In my opinion this type of activity is borderline criminal when it comes to misleading industries into a false sense of security just to make a quick buck. Numerous security products that make impossible claims to stop hackers in their tracks and companies charging a small fortune offering products and services with claims of having the ability to identify zero day exploits or Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) on computers through log file analysis or signature based scanning is just simply not possible. 

Security marketing has taken over the industry and utilization and profit are the primary focus with security innovation and sound workable solutions taking a back seat. Billions of dollars are spent on security each year and still millions of computers are still being compromised by Malware and hacking attacks. Botnet infections are at an all time high and critical information is being stolen from our networking systems faster than we can create it. 

Don't get me wrong, there are some extremely solid security professionals and organizations out there that are doing their best to fight the good fight even with the odds stack so clearly against them and I will represent their viewpoints and experiences as well. The sad truth is that many in the security industry feel that there is more money in marketing vaporware and empty security services than there is in actually fixing the problems.  

Please stay tuned. More to come.